CPOC Online

Lisboa City Race Euro Tour

XXXIII Troféu de Orientação do CPOC

Event Overview

Event Overview


Welcome to the Lisbon City Race Euro Tour.

Clube Português de Orientação e Corrida (CPOC), in partnership with the Lisbon Municipality (CML, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa), is preparing an urban orienteering event. This event is integrated in Portugal City Race and Euro Tour City Race circuits.

The event will occur on March 26 and it will take place in some of the historic Lisbon quarters. These possess an intricate urban network that will challenge and delight whoever ventures with map and compass in hand.

The race will have a middle/intermediate distance and it will include courses adequate to the different levels of experience (or lack of it) and physical ability of those wishing to participate.

Still, if you are not familiar with the sport of Orienteering, technicians from CPOC will be available to give briefings on introduction to Orienteering. Come and try a different and challenging activity. Discover another way of getting acquainted with Lisbon. Come and have fun enjoying a pleasant day.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic still ravages the whole world and thus our country and our region, it was necessary to adopt some measures with respect to the organization of the event. Thus, we strongly recommend a careful reading of the General Information of the event.


New map made in January/2022 according to the new specification ISSprOM 2019-2!

What's new
[2022-03-26] Results - Final results and split times are available.
[2022-03-26] Results - Preliminary results are available in real time (updated every 5 minutes).
[2022-03-24] Start Lists - Starting times by clubs and competition classes.
[2022-03-24] Warnings - The car traffic is not controlled, so be carefull, specially in roads/streets crossings.
[2022-03-24] Warnings - Bibs are mandatory. For those who don't have a season POF bib, the organization will provide a race bib at secretariat.
[2022-03-24] Warnings - COVID-19 Contingency Plan was published. This is document is only in portuguese, but it mainly reminds athletes about keeping social distance and use mask when people is too close.
[2022-03-24] Location - Some updates about locations and some recommendation on how to get to the event arena.
[2022-03-24] Technical Info - Some technical informations were updated.
[2022-01-22] Programme - Programme updated.


Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (Lisbon Municipality) Lisboa Capital Europeia do Desporto Associação de Capitais Europeias do Desporto Associação Portuguesa das Cidades Europeias do Desporto

Federação Portuguesa de Orientação (Portuguese Orienteering Federation) IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. Fundação do Desporto City Race Euro Tour Portugal City Race

Vitalis Media Partner: O Praticante Ponto d'Ori