CPOC Online

Mora 'O' Meeting

XXIX Troféu de Orientação do CPOC

General Information

Organization: CPOC - Clube Português de Orientação e Corrida
Co-Organizers: Câmara Municipal de Mora; FPO - Portuguese Orienteering Federation, IOF - International Orienteering Federation
Event Director: Arménio Mendes
Course Planner: Luís Santos
Map Maker: Raquel Costa
Event Adviser FPO/IOF: Rui Morais


Formation classesBirth Year
W/M 102009 or depois
W/M 122007 and 2008
W/M 142005 and 2006
Competition classesBirth Year
W/M 162003 and 2004
W/M 182001 and 2002
W/M 201999 and 2000
W/M 21 Elite/A/B1985 to 1998
W/M 351980 to 1984
W/M 401975 to 1979
W/M 451970 to 1974
W/M 501965 to 1969
W/M 551960 to 1964
W/M 601955 to 1959
W/M 651950 to 1954
W 701949 or before
M 701945 to 1949
M 751940 to 1944
M 801939 or before
Note: M - Men; W - Women

Open Classes
- Fácil Curto - Easy Short - 2 to 4 Km or expected time less than 40 minutes, using linear elements (usually paths), basic orienteering, low physical condition required.
- Difícil Curto - Difficult Short - 3 to 5 Km or expected time less than 60 minutes, some orienteering skills are challenged, low physical condition required.
- Fácil Longo - Easy Long - 4 to 6 Km or expected time less than 60 minutes, mainly using linear elements, basic orienteering, low to average physical condition required, targetting best landscapes and views.
- Difícil Longo - Difficult Long - 4 to 7 Km or expected time less than 80 minutes, regular course, some orienteering skills are challenged, average to good physical condition required.
All open classes can be used individually, in pairs or larger groups. They will all have classification with results included on the results page of this website (www.cpoc.pt), a few hours after the closing ceremony.

Model Event
- Using the map "Monte dos Condes".
- There will be control flags in the terrain between 13h30 and 17h30.
- The maps will be available in the Event Center [friday afternoon].
- Price per map: EUR 3.

- Athletes won't be allowed to start if:
--- the mandatory bib number is not properly attached to the equipment;
--- have a different SI card compared to registration. SI card changes should be done by email (before the weekend). During the event, SI card changes must be validated at secretariat and cost EUR 2.
- Start lists times for open classes and M/W10 classes are just placeholders. In these classes there is a start interval where athletes can start there races using a Start station.
- Changes in start times are not allowed.

Event Center
- Friday (15), will be open in Mora (Casa do Povo), from 13h to 17h30.
- Saturday (16) and Sunday (17), will be open in each arena.
- Car keys and bags can be stored at the secretariat;

- Babysitting available in the arenas, with the same open times as the event center.

Results system in Mora 'O' Meeting
- Individual and club results scored using the "points" method (100*class winner time/runner time), adding the "points" of the 3 stages.
- Time limit for each course: 2h for Middle Distances and 1h for night sprint.

The SPORTident electronic punching system will be used for all classes.
Competitors with their own SI cards must provide the number in entry registration. Other competitors must rent an SI card.
Rented SI card must be returned at the end of the event. Rented SI card lost or not returned implies an addicional fee of EUR 50.

Other infos
- Showers: Escola 2,3 e Secundária de Mora (Hard floor).
- WC available at each arena.
- First aid on event centre.
- Bar service in both days, near each arena.
- Orienteering short briefings for all who will ask for them closeby to the start.
- Event areas are restricted until the end of the event.
- There will be no map hold at the end of the courses, so we hope all athletes will have fair-play, not showing their maps to other athletes that didn't start their courses.

Hard floor
- Space available (free of charge) for a mattress and sleeping bag at: Escola 2,3 e Secundária de Mora
- Friday night (open since 16h00m) and saturday night (closes sunday at 10h00m).
- Competition shoes are not allowed inside the pavilion.

Some Local Accomodation contacts
- Casas de Romaria - 962474164/966948643 - geral@casasderomaria.com
- Casa Vila de Cabeção - 266419145/934540844 - casa.vila.cabecao@gmail.com
- Residencial Afonso - 266403166 - res.afonso@iol.pt
- Hotel Solar dos Lilases - 266403315/915601984 - geral@hotelsolardoslilases.com
- Monte da Fraga - 266439125 - caldas.almeida@netc.pt
- Monte Cantarinhas - 966125620 - nelsontreco@gmail.com
- Azenhas da Seda - 933613172 info@azenhasdaseda.com
- Herdade de Val Poço - 266457453/966032116 - hvp.cp@sapo.pt
- Monte da Courela - 266459005/934778869/937991883 - montecoureladafraga@sapo.pt
- Monte do Cuca - 266457016/917961278 - catenaturismo@gmail.com
- A Casinha - 933493363 - josefa.guerreiro@gmail.com


Federação Portuguesa de Orientação (Portuguese Orienteering Federation) Câmara Municipal de Mora (Mora Municipality)

IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. Fluviário de Mora Museu Interactivo do Megalitismo de Mora
