CPOC Online

Mora 'O' Meeting

XXIX Troféu de Orientação do CPOC


4th February 2019
Last day for entries with the best fees.

11th February 2019
Last day for entries in competition classes.

13th February 2019
Start times (draw and website availability)

15th February 2019
13:00 - Opening Event Centre (in Casa do Povo de Mora)
13:30-17:30 - Model event (Monte dos Condes)

16th February 2019
08:30 - Opening Event Centre
10:30 - Middle Distance WRE (Pedra da Câmara)
11:00 - Open classes first starts

17:30 - Opening Event Centre (in Casa do Povo de Mora)
18:45 - Night Sprint (Mora)

17th February 2019
08:30 - Opening Event Centre
10:00 - Middle Distance (Monte dos Condes)
10:30 - Open classes first starts
13:30 - Prize Winning (WRE and global results) and Close Ceremony

Note: All timings are in local time (GMT timezone).


Federação Portuguesa de Orientação (Portuguese Orienteering Federation) Câmara Municipal de Mora (Mora Municipality)

IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. Fluviário de Mora Museu Interactivo do Megalitismo de Mora
